Specialist Paramedics

We are CQC rated ‘Good’. With your help we can be Outstanding.
Following the College of Paramedics’ Career Framework, working at SECAmb you’ll have the opportunity to develop your skills and assume new responsibilities in a variety of different ways.
Our roles beyond experienced paramedic include different elements of clinical practice, education, research, leadership and management that will enable you to follow your areas of interest and, if you choose to do so, build a portfolio of experience and qualifications that will support you in working towards Advanced and Consultant Paramedic status.
If your focus is more on advancing your clinical practice, you may choose to apply for a role enabling you to specialise in the fields of Urgent and Emergency Care (Paramedic Practitioner, PP) or Critical Care (Critical Care Paramedic, CCP).
Both academic pathways will involve making a commitment to a challenging programme of Level 7 academic study. Once qualified, you would have a specialist clinical skill set and dispatch profile, and your role would also include elements of education, leadership and research.